Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What you need:
Tube-I'm using the art of Garrett Blair. You can find his art here. Please remember that all your purchases of his art go to help him in his time of need.
Kit-I'm using a kit by Tragedy, you can find it here. (Will be posted 2/10/12)
Animation-I'm using an animation by Lovey. You can download the animation here. It is the third animation down.
I assume you have working knowledge of Photoshop. This tut was written using CS5.
Open a new image with the dimensions of 600x225.
Resize your tube by 80% and copy and paste into your image. Center your tube.
Open a paper of choice. I'm using Paper19. Copy and paste it below your tube.
Create a new layer above your tube. Select all, Modify Border of 8px. Flood fill with a color of choice. I'm using black. Apply a stroke of 3 px in a contrasting color.
Open a set of arches. Copy and paste it under your tube. Position it so that the smaller arches are touching the edges of the frame. Center the arches under the tube.
Open the jewelry box element. Copy and paste it above the arches. Position it so that it's covering the bottom part of the arch. Use my tag for reference. Duplicate and move it over to the other side.
Open Frame6. Copy and paste it above your background layer. Drag the frame to the side of the image so that only the side of the frame is showing. Duplicate and do the same to the other side. Merge the frame layers together.
Duplicate the frames. Set the top layer to screen. On the bottom one, apply a default gradient via the Layer Style box. Set the gradient to overlay.
Now, add your copyright information above the top layer.
Add your name and any effects/styles you wish above the copyright info.
If you are not going to animate. Save as a .jpg.
If you are going to animate, select the layer with your copyright information, hold shift, and then select the layer just above the background. Hit Ctrl+G to group the layers.
Open your animation. Delete the first frame (the one with copyright info) and select all layers. Group them together like we just did on your tag. Resize the image by 50%.
Right click on the group and hit duplicate group. In the menu for that, find your tag in the drop down menu. Hit ok
Drag the group so that it's above the background. Position it to the side of the tube under the arch. Set the blend mode of the animation group to Luminosity. Duplicate the group and move it over to the other side.
set up your animation window, Hit the duplicate frame button until you have 20 frames.
In the first frame, make it so that Frame2 is the only layer showing. Make sure this is the case for both groups of animation. On the next frame, close off the bottom frame and open the next layer up in both groups. Repeat this until you get all of the frames done.
Once you have that done, set the display to .1 seconds for all the frames.
Save for Web and Devices and enjoy!
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